Phone: 01427 880888
Mobile: 07855306775
Phone: 01427 880888
Mobile: 07855306775
About Us
Bug Sweep Services was formed in 2006 by the Director John Dudhill.
The company comprises Ex-Military personnel, and other professionals who have extensive experience in their niche field. With a portfolio of services which covers the technical investigation and surveillance spectrum.
We provide Bug Sweep Services which is also known as Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM), Mobile Phone Forensics, Computer Forensics and Technical Surveillance and Counter Surveillance.
These services are conducted for anyone who may believe they have a private security breach, or wish to keep their lives private. Private clients, Corporate Clients, Private Security Companies and Private Investigators often require bug sweeping services.
Why Us?
Bug Sweep Services are a professional team of surveillance and counter surveillance operators. We have invested in specialist equipment to help us in the detection, location, (and if required) the removal of all known eavesdropping devices, hidden spy cameras, covert GPS tracking and spy software on your mobile phone or computer.
> We will react very quickly and arrive on time at your property as agreed.
> Our pricing is competitive, and you will not be paying for third party fees.
> We will attend dressed discreetly and NOT in a marked vehicle.
> The TSCM professional counter surveillance reports we provide contain the correct amount of detail, which will include a full risk analysis.
> Our services are completely confidential and we do not keep your details or share them with any other party.
Who Are We?
Bug Sweep Services is part of the OPS Services Ltd brand which is registered in the UK with companies house
Also registered with the information commissioner’s office ICO & FSB
We are also registered members of leading industry associations.
Bug Sweep Services hold comprehensive liability insurance.
All personnel are highly qualified in their own field of work, we are a specialist security company you can trust with 100% confidentiality from the moment you contact us.